a sky of gold, lavender and crimson

clearing my emails right now. and watching the 44th Golden Horse Film Awards. except earlier on, the channel abruptly switched to broadcasting the news instead and merrily revealed the awards list. zomgwtfbbq, i bloody hate spoilers. just watched 蕭敬騰’s performance of a medley of the songs (including a Sodagreen song) which contested for the Best Original Movie Theme Song or something. omg, stunned. he rocked. either that or more because the acoustics of the place pwns. lol, although at some point he sounded like he was competing with the band a little too much. but i still want to re-watch the performance! <3

i posted on my old LiveJournal yesterday on a whim, and it was pleasantly surprising to get comments from some of my old LJ and fandom friends. made me realize how much i miss everyone. lol, feels tempted to run back to LJ for my blogging. sheepish grin.

i know it probably isn’t appropriate to judge after all that has happened. but the Omaha mall shooting is just a recurring nightmare that is happening too often and too easily. after all, the shooting at a school in Finland was just last month.

on a more positive note, The 53 Places to Go in 2008, according to the New York Times.

Facebook’s Superpoke application has been updated, it seems. my level is no longer ‘Superpoked and Dangerous’ but ‘Superpoke Bliss’. and there’re several new actions, in addition to the Christmas ones. xD

spent today with JL and Kazzie. went with them to IMM to go see 星光帮 even though i’m no fan of theirs. as expected, was surrounded by camera-touting and screaming fangirls. thank god this bunch has no stamina and didn’t scream endlessly like they didn’t have to breathe. there was this selfish and annoying photographer who barged his way in front of us and just blocked everyone’s view. fucking jackass. anyway, those 星光帮 guys have decent voices, i guess.

i wandered off in the middle to go window-shop since IMM was just renovated. there’s a rather big Daiso, and an Esprit outlet store! except the things at that outlet store aren’t exactly inexpensive either.

lol, Jiamin’s comment reminds me that i’m still thinking about the grey cardigan with pink stripes from FEP myself. after we left IMM, Kazzie and i went to Bugis. Bugis Street is so packed on weekends. one good thing is that most the shops are finally opened. but it’s so crowded and stifling hot, you totally lose the shopping urge. anyway, i couldn’t find even one whose quality is remotely similar to the one i saw at FEP. which is frankly quite expensive to me at $50. o_O;

bah, am so busy in the coming week, it seems there’s something happening every day. car wash event tomorrow morning so i can’t meet Aur even though i haven’t seen her in like 389105290472 days. :3

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